
How Coverlipedema.com works

We created Coverlipedema.com to provide patient advocacy with a high level of lipedema insurance expertise for an affordable cost for women who need lipedema surgery. We accomplish this by showing our members how to create effective coverage requests, determination appeals, and network exception requests. Following the steps of our process, you will put together the necessary parts of your coverage or appeal packages with the cooperation of your surgeon and other doctors. We devote our time to answering your questions, reviewing your materials, and handling the inevitable issues only experienced and knowledgeable advocates can handle. This approach saves our members hundreds, if not thousands, on advocacy fees.

You have to be prepared to commit some time and effort

Once you become a member, you will have access to a step-by-step process called the Coverage Process that you will use to create an effective coverage request package that has been proven to obtain insurance coverage for lipedema surgery for over one hundred women with many different insurance companies. You will also be able to gain access to our Appeal Process, if you need to appeal a full or partial coverage denial and to our Network Process, if you need to obtain an out-of-network exception.

What You Do:

  • Create a powerful coverage request package designed to overcome all the common reasons for denial so you minimize the need for a lengthy appeal.
  • Choose a safe, effective, and insurance-friendly surgeon from our recommendations.
  • Have your surgeon prepare surgery plan, if you have not already done so.
  • Schedule a non-surgeon lipedema expert examination to independently support your diagnosis.
  • Have your functional deficits professionally evaluated with our Lipedema Physical Evaluation (LPE).
  • Document your your non-surgical attempts to treat your lipedema.
  • Edit templates for letters that we provide to you.
  • Submit your complete coverage request package for us to review, correct if needed.
  • Either submit your package yourself or have your surgeon submit your package to your insurance company.

What We Give You:

  • A proven step-by-step process that gets lipedema surgery covered fairly by your insurance.
  • Our professional review of your documents to help you avoid the most common errors.
  • Advice, based on our knowledge of the current state of lipedema insurance coverage, whenever you need it
  • Proactive communication on your behalf, when needed, with physicians, insurance plans, state and federal agencies, and independent review organizations to resolve issues and get your surgery covered and scheduled as soon as possible.

How Much Does It Cost?

Before Coverlipedema.com, we routinely charged $4,000 to $6,000 to obtain full coverage for our clients. Now, through the power of our web-based processes, we can charge much less. Members start with the Coverage Plus Process Membership, which costs $1,399. This covers authorization and all levels of appeal, both internal and external.  If you need an out-of-network exception for your surgeon, the Network Process Membership is available for an additional $399.  In the worst-case scenario, your maximum fee would be $1,798. In summary:

Coverage Plus Process Membership $1,399
Network Process Membership $   399

What Happens if I Don’t Get Covered?

We are confident that we can obtain coverage for most women, but we do not control surgeons, insurance companies, and review organizations, so we offer our members the Coverlipedema.com Guarantee. If you follow the Coverlipedema.com Processes and fail to get coverage, then fail to win your appeal, or fail to get an out-of-network exception and single-case agreement, we will give you a free Coverage Process Membership as needed to enable you to try again. You can learn more about the Coverlipedema.com Guarantee by clicking this link.

I am so grateful for coverlipedema.com! Not only did they provide me with a step-by-step process to gathering the necessary documents to submit to my insurance company, but they were extremely helpful and responsive to my questions every step of the way.


Your Next Step

Please visit the information pages specific to your insurance plan for more information.

This page was updated on 18 November 2023