
Why Use Coverlipedema.com?

 Lipedema Surgery Insurance Coverage Is Not Easy 

If lipedema surgery were treated as most other medically necessary procedures, you would not need help to get your surgery covered. Your surgeon, who has extensive insurance experience with your medical condition, would simply submit a form and your insurance would approve it. You would then pay your co-insurance percentage and co-payments based on your deductible for your covered surgery. Unfortunately, lipedema insurance coverage does not work that way. Insurance companies, to a greater or lesser degree, hesitate to cover liposuction for lipedema surgery. Most lipedema surgeons and staff can’t or won’t help you because they are not very experienced with insurance coverage. It’s easier for them to take your money and let you figure it out on your own. Because of this, you need Coverlipedema.com, the premiere lipedema insurance coverage advocates.

Coverlipedema.com Understands Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are motivated by their concerns about covering lipedema surgery. First, many insurers don’t fully understand lipedema and its debilitating impact. Second, they fear that surgeons are trying to get cosmetic procedures covered as medical procedures. They are afraid of this turning into the next lap-band insurance scam, where surgeries were covered based on questionable criteria costing hundreds of millions of dollars in claims. Third, insurance companies are also concerned about the potential cost of covering legitimate lipedema surgeries for thousands of women. Coverlipedema.com understands these concerns and knows how to address them to get its members covered.

Coverlipedema.com Knows Lipedema Surgeons

Most surgeons who treat lipedema with liposuction are plastic or cosmetic surgeons. Traditionally and practically, they and their staff have limited experience with insurance preauthorization and appealing denials because their practices are usually cash-based. Typical plastic and cosmetic procedures are not covered by most insurance plans. It’s not just that they prefer cash payments over insurance, but that is the mode in which they usually operate. You should not expect them to be experts in an area in which they are not experienced. Additionally, surgeons know that if you fail to get covered, you will find a way to borrow money or use credit cards to pay for your surgery upfront to get relief from your symptoms. This creates a disincentive for them to deal with insurance in the first place. This seems to apply especially to surgeons who have created a business-focused lipedema surgery practice that includes extensive marketing with a prominent social media presence, questionably trademarked procedures, catchy nicknames, and a self-owned surgery center.

Coverlipedema.com has Important Relationships

Through advocating for lipedema surgery for individual patients and on the regulatory policy level, Coverlipedema.com has developed relationships with insurance companies, independent review organizations, and state and federal agencies. Because most lipedema surgeons and their staff do not have this kind of interaction on a regular basis, they do not have the same ability to reach out on behalf of their patients that we have. These relationships have been key to allowing us to step in and overturn many denials. They have also allowed us to “convince” many insurance companies to adopt lipedema surgery policies. 

Coverlipedema.com has a Track Record of Lipedema Coverage

Even if lipedema surgeons say they can get you covered, lipedema coverage is a relatively recent occurrence that changes on an almost weekly basis. In our experience, no practice has demonstrated a track record of consistently getting approvals for their patients without our assistance. Sure, many claim they get their patients covered and may have somehow gotten coverage for a couple of patients, but we don’t know any who can tell you that they have helped over nine hundred women get fairly covered with multiple insurance companies, as we have done. No one else even comes close.

Coverlipedema.com Knows How to Get Lipedema Surgery Covered

Because of the situation with insurance companies and lipedema surgeons, getting coverage can be extremely challenging and fraught with mistakes that can cause your coverage request and your appeals to be denied. This is not a do-it-yourself project. You need specialized knowledge to overcome the challenges that insurance companies have created. You also need the advice of someone who has experience overcoming those challenges. If you have the right approach, it is almost impossible for an insurance company to deny your requests. Coverlipedema.com has created a process that gets lipedema covered by most insurance companies. Simply, we get patents covered.

I used them and got covered. There was no way I could have gone it alone. I looked at it and I felt really overwhelmed. . . . The money they charge it’s actually cheap for what you are getting in my opinion. I saved myself over $60,000!


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