
The Coverlipedema.com Guarantee

Our mission is to help women get insurance coverage for their medically necessary lipedema surgery through their health insurance. We would like to say that our methods work 100 percent of the time for every Member. However, since we do not control lipedema surgeons, insurance companies, and independent review organizations, we cannot guarantee that every woman who joins Coverlipedema.com and uses our processes will have their surgeries covered. However, we do offer the following guarantee:

Our Guarantee:

If you follow the Coverlipedema.com Processes and fail to get coverage we will give you free Coverage Process Membership to enable you to try again. If you must appeal again, we will give you a discounted Appeal Process Membership.


This only applies to new coverage requests and appeals that were created using our processes, not to the reimbursement of prior surgeries. This guarantee applies only if you have followed our instructions and advice in good faith and with sufficient time and effort to complete all the possible steps within a reasonable timeframe appropriate to your coverage situation including appealing any denials with our assistance in a timely manner. This is not a money-back guarantee. It reflects our sincere desire for you to properly treat your lipedema using your insurance and our belief in the effectiveness of our processes.

We don’t believe that women should pay up-front for lipedema surgeries. If you give up during your membership and decide to pay out of pocket for the full fees hoping for reimbursement by your insurance company, you will not be eligible for the Coverlipedema.com guarantee. Of course, we will still be willing to work with you to get the best coverage possible, given your choice to pay.

To be eligible for our guarantee, you must plan to have your surgery with one of our recommended surgeons. If you switch to a non-recommended surgeon, the guarantee will no longer be available, and your memberships will be terminated.

You will have one year from the date of your last insurance determination to request a free Coverage Membership.

This page was updated on 21 March 2024